Sir Ryan Galan [530]
Tagged in 0 images, Viewed 362 times
Owned by Guest
Activity chart | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!Highscore (Talera)
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View all activities recorded by this player +1 level [529 → 530]
This activity was recorded Aug 09 2020
Last updated: Aug 09 2020
50 [x] 60 [x] 10 [x]
60 [x] 70 [x] 15 [x]
70 [x] 80 [x] 20 [x]
80 [x] 90 [x] 25 [x]
90 [x] 95 [x]
100 [x] 100 [x]
200 [x]
You advanced from Level 99 to Level 100. 03/08/08
You advanced from Level 199 to Level 200. 15/07/10
I'm the best \O/